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هذه قائمة بكل الألغاز الرئيسية التي عرضت في مسلسل لوست. لمعرفة الأجوبة، كما ذكرت بالمسلسل، أو تم إستنتاجها. بعض التفاصيل لألغاز معينة لم يجاب عنها وهذه تدرج تحت عنوان أسئلة لاجواب لها . الألغاز التي حلت بالكامل أو حل جزء كبير منها، أدرجت كألغاز محلولة؛ الألغاز التي لم يحل منها شيئ تقريباً أدرجت كألغاز غير محلولة؛ والألغاز التي في مكان ما من الوسط أدرجت كألغاز محلولة جزئياً.

لصيغة سرد سريعة ومبسطة لقائمة ألغاز لوست ، اضغط هنا.


 محلول جزئياً
 غير محلول


ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"الأولى، الجزء 1" "وراء البحر"
  • ما أو من هو وحش الدخان؟
  • كيف إكتسب شكل الدخان الأسود؟
    • أخوه، جيكوب، رماه في المنبع فخلق من روحه عمود الدخان الأسود، التي ترك جسده الإنساني بلا حياة. ("البديل ") ("وراء البحر ")
  • ما هي قوى وحش الدخان؟
    • بالإضافة إلى كونه سحابة من الدخان الأسود قادرة على الإنتقال عبر الجزيرة، وتدمير الممتلكات، وإيذاء أو قتل الناس، فوحش الدخان يمكنه أن يتخذ شكل أي شخص ميت، وكذلك شكل عناكب ميدوسا المسببة للشلل. ("عرض") ("بودكاست لوست الرسمي/21 مارس 2008") وحش الدخان يمكنه أن ينظر في ماضي أولئك الذين يصادفهم أيضاً. ("الأرنب الأبيض") ("الترنيمة ال23") ("ثمن الحياة") ("البعض يحب هوث") ("منذ قديم الأزل") ("المجند الأخير")
  • ماهي غايته على الجزيرة؟
    • يعتبر البعض وحش الدخان أنه نظام الأمن للجزيرة. على ما يبدو بأن الآخرون كانوا قادرين على استدعائه من أجل صد الأعداء، مثل المرتزقة من الناقلة. بين و إيكو نظروا لوحش الدخان على أنه قاضياً، يقيم ماضي الأشخاص الذين يواجههم، ويقرر ما إذا كان يستحق الحياة أو الموت. ("ثمن الحياة") ("شكل الأحداث التي ستأتي") ("البعض يحب هوث")
  • ما هي داوافع وحش الدخان؟
    • وحش الدخان يائس لمغادرة الجزيرة، حيث يشعر بأنه محصور لأكثر من 2000 سنة. هو سيوقّف، أو يقتل، أي يشخص يعتبره تهديداً إلى ذلك الهدف. ("البديل") ("وراء البحر")
 الدببة القطبية
الدببة القطبية
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"الأولى، الجزء 1" "قصة مدينتين"
  • كيف وصلت دببة قطبية إلى الجزيرة؟
    • جلبوا هناك بواسطة مبادرة دراما. ("الإغلاق") ("قصة مدينتين")
  • كيف بقوا على الجزيرة؟
    • علماء حيوان دارما أجروا عليهم بعض التجارب، لتتمكن من البقاء على قيد الحياة في الظروف المناخية الحارة ("الإغلاق") ("البعض يحب هوث")
  • لماذا ظهر هيكل عظمي لدب قطبي في تونس؟
 نداء الإستغاثة
نداء الإستغاثة
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"الأولى، الجزء 2" "وحيد"
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"الأولى، الجزء 2" "منذ قديم الأزل"
 خصائص الشفاء
الشفاء properties
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"التجوال" "LA X, الجزء 2"
  • كيف يشفى الناس على الجزيرة؟
    • شيء حول الماء والضوء من المصدر قادر على شفاء إصابات الناس، كما شوهد في الماء الذي في المعبد. ("LA X, الجزء 2")
  • لماذا يشفى بعض الناس ولا يشفى الآخرين؟
    • أشار لوك إلى بين، الناس الذين يبدون بأنهم شفيوا أولئك الذين لديهم الكمية الأعظم من الإيمان بالجزيرة. ("الرجل من تالاهاسي")
Introduced Solved
"الأرنب الأبيض" "المجند الأخير"
 Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"House of the Rising Sun" "Across the Sea"
  • من يكون آدم و حواء?
  • كيف ماتوا?
    • الرجل ذو الرداء الأسود قام بقتل الأم. جسد الرجل ذو الرداء الأسود أصبح بلا حياة عندما ألقاه جيكوب في النبع, لذلك تحول إلى شكل دخان أسود. ("Across the Sea")
  • ما هما الصخرتان البيضاء و السوداء الذان وجدا مع الجثتين?
    • كانتا قطعتي لعب من مجموعة لعبة سينيت (لعبة قديمة أصلها فرعوني) الخاصة بالرجل ذو الرداء الأسود. ("Across the Sea")
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"Solitary" "Greatest Hits"
  • ماذا كان الغرض من السلك?
    • كان و احد من أسلاك عديدية على الجزبرة التي كانت تقود من محطة الشعلة إلى باقي قطاعات دارما. ("Enter 77")
  • إلى أين يؤدي السلك الذي اكتشفه سعيد?
    • The Looking Glass. ("Greatest Hits")
 Science expedition
Science expedition
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"Solitary" "This Place Is Death"
  • من هم أعضاء الفريق?
    • دانييل, روبرت, مونتاند, برينان, نادين و لاكومبي. ("The Little Prince") ("This Place Is Death")
  • كيف انتهى الحال بالفريق على الجزيرة?
    • التقط الفريق العلمي إرسال بالأرقام قادم من برج المراسلة. ثم وقعوا في عاصفة دمرت قاربهم و تمكنوا من الوصول إلى الجزيرة في قارب نجاة صغير. ("Numbers") ("This Place Is Death")
  • ماذا كان "الشيء" الذي قتل جميع أفراد بعثة روسو?
  • كيف فقد مونتاند ذراعه?
    • اختطفه الوحش إلى مدخل المعبد, حيث حاول باقي رفاقه أن يسحبوه, ومع ذلك تمكن الوحش من سحبه إلى الأسفل, وقد قُطع ذراعه. ("This Place Is Death")
  • ماذا كان الفريق العلمي يدرس?
    • في مقابلة ل"لوست-بيديا" مع "ديفيد فيري", "ديفيد فيري" صرح بأن الغرض الأصلي لحلقة "Solitary كان أن روسو تخبر سعيد بأن هي و فريقها كانوا يدرسون "الوقت".
 Pillar of smoke
Pillar of smoke
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"Exodus, Part 1" "This Place Is Death"
  • من الذي أشعل عامود الدخان؟ "Exodus, Part 1"
    • دانييل روسو أشعلته, محاولة أن تستغل فزع الناجون و تخطف آرون. ("Exodus, Part 2")
  • من الذي أشعل الدخان الذي ذكرته روسو في الماضي?
    • لقد كان نار مخيم روسو, جين رءاه قبل ان تطلق روسو النار على روبرت, و هذا شيء ربما تكون أخطأت في تذكره حيث أنه حدث في الليلة السابقة لاختطاف أليكس. ("This Place Is Death")
 The Others
The Others
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"Solitary" "A Tale of Two Cities"
  • من هم الآخرون?
    • الآخرون هم مجموعة من الناس يعيشون على الجزيرة و هم من خلال شرح "ريتشارد ألبرت" , يتبعو القيادة غير المباشرة ل"جيكوب" قبل موته في 2007. ("A Tale of Two Cities") ("The Man From Tallahassee") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • كيف جاءوا إلى الجزيرة?
    • على الرغم من أن هناك مجموعات من الناس جاءوا إلى الجزيره سابقاً, إلا أن ريتشارد ألبرت هو أول فرد ممن يدعون "الآخرون. وقد وصل إلى الجزيرة كعبد على متن السفينة الصخرة السوداء. و بمرور السنين استمر جيكوب في إحضار المزيد من الناس إلى الجزيرة, ويفترض أن بعضهم انضم إلى "الآخرون". وقد جند الآخرون اثنان على الأقل من مبادرة دارما, بن لاينوس و إيثان روم. بعد عملية التطهير, استمر بن في إحضار المزيد من الناس إلى الجزيرة لأغراضه الشخصية, مثل جولييت. ("The Man Behind the Curtain") ("The Other Woman") ("Jughead") ("Dead Is Dead") ("The Incident, Part 1") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • ما هي غايتهم على الجزيرة?
    • غرض جيكوب من الآخرون كان, بمساعدة ريتشارد, أن يستخدم الآخرون كوسطاء بينه وبين الناس الذين أحضرهم إلى الجزيرة. ولم يشأ أن يتدخل في أفعالهم لأنه أراد أن يثبت أن الناس قادرون على أن يكونوا صالحين من تلقاء أنفسهم, لذلك استخدم الآخرون للتواصل مع الناس. هدفهم الأساسي هو حماية الجزيرة من الرجل ذو الرداء الأسود و من أخطار أخرى, على وجه الخصوص حماية المنبع. ("Solitary") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • لماذا يختطفون الأطفال?
    • الآخرون كانوا غير قادرين على الإنجاب على الجزيرة, لذا كانوا يختطفون الأطفال ليزيدوا من تعدادهم. و كانوا أيضاً مهتمين بإجراء بعض الإختتبارات على الأطفال, مثل والت, الذي أظهر بعض القوى الغير عادية. ("Raised By Another") ("Not in Portland")
 The Sickness
The Sickness
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"المنعزل" "ما تفعله كيت"
  • كيف يتضح المرض?
    • المرض يغير الناس, يجعلهم أكثر عدوانية وشرا, إلى درجة لم يشعروا بها من قبل. ("هذا المكان هو الموت بعينه") ("ما تفعله كيت") ("الطرد")
  • ماللذي سبب المرض?
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"المنعزل" "الكل يحبون هيوجو"
  • ما هي أصوات الهامسين?
    • هي كلمات الأشخاص اللذين ماتوا على الجزيرة, واللتي لم يستطيعوا إيصالها. (أحيانا هذه الأصوات تسمع من الجزيرة, وكأنها كانت على ناقلة بحرية. ("الكل يحبون هيوجو") ("قابلوا كيفين جونسون")
  • هل يستطيع الهامسون مغادرة الجزيرة في نهاية الامر?
    • ليبي ظهرت كهامسة بعد موتها, وظهرت أيضا بحالة جيدة لاحقا في الحياة الآخرة, وهذا يشير إلى أن روحها أخيرا استطاعت مغادرة الجزيرة. ("قابلوا كيفين جونسون") ("الكل يحبون هيوجو") ("النهاية")
 The Numbers
The Numbers
ظهر لأول مرة في تم حله في
"Numbers" "Lighthouse"
  • What do the Numbers mean?
    • Each number corresponds to the degree Jacob must turn his wheel to view candidates in the lighthouse. Each number was the degree of the remaining 6 candidates for his replacement. They were a sort of filing system, as seen in his cave. ("The Substitute") ("Lighthouse")
  • Why did the Numbers appear on the Swan hatch?
    • They were the station's serial number for the hatch lid. ("Some Like It Hoth")
  • Why did the Numbers reappear regularly both on and off the Island?
    • The Numbers also represent the factors of the core values of the Valenzetti Equation, which predicts the date of the destruction of mankind. These Numbers correspond somehow to various human and environmental factors, likely meaning that they are somehow embedded in the structure of the universe. This is also likely why the Numbers appeared to be cursed. The purpose of the DHARMA Initiative was to alter these values in order to stave off the destruction of mankind. The values were broadcast from the radio tower, with the intent of using the broadcast to determine when DHARMA had succeeded in changed them. ("The Lost Experience")
 The Hatch
The Hatch
Introduced Solved
"All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" "Man of Science, Man of Faith"
  • What was inside the Hatch?
    • The Swan, a DHARMA station, whose occupant, Desmond Hume, was a previous acquaintance of Jack's. ("Man of Science, Man of Faith") ("Orientation")
  • Why did a bright light suddenly appear when Locke banged the Hatch door?
    • Because the Hatch occupant, Desmond Hume turned on the light after hearing a noise from outside. ("Live Together, Die Alone")
  • Why was the inside of the hatch door labelled "quarantine"?
    • The occupants of the Swan were under the impression that they had to wear a hazmat suit in order to leave the station, thus the quarantine was likely a way to keep them inside the Swan to ensure that the button would be pushed. This quarantine is likely how Radzinsky and Kelvin were able to survive the purge. ("Live Together, Die Alone")
 Nigerian plane
Drug smugglers' plane
Introduced Solved
"Deus Ex Machina" "The 23rd Psalm"
  • Who were the people aboard the Beechcraft?
    • Yemi, Mr. Eko's brother was the man who was found aboard the plane, while Goldie was the man who jumped-off the plane. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Why were they wearing priest outfits, even though the plane was filled with Virgin Mary statues filled with heroin, and one of the corpses has a gun?
    • Because Yemi, the corpse found by Boone on the plane was an actual Catholic priest, whose help the drug smugglers (Eko, Olu and Goldie) needed as only foreign and missionary planes were allowed to take off from Nigeria. He helped them, after they threated to burn down his church. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • How was a plane which took off from Nigeria crash on an island which is supposedly in the Pacific?
    • The Island constantly moves. ("316")
  • Why did the Beechcraft crash?
    • It was drawn by the island's electromagnetic properties. قالب:Sourceneeded
 Hurley Bird
Hurley Bird
Introduced Solved
"Exodus, Part 2" n/a

Unanswered questions

  • Where did the bird come from?
  • How was it able to pronounce Hugo's nickname, and how did she recognize him?
 DHARMA Initiative
DHARMA Initiative
Introduced Solved
"Orientation" Various
  • How did DHARMA know about the Island, and how did they find it?
    • They used photos and information previously gathered by the U.S. Army who visited the Island in the 50's. The Island was found when a "clever fellow" constructed the Lamp Post station in which a Foucault pendulum revealed where the Island was most likely to be at a certain point. ("316")
  • Why were there no signs of DHARMA personnel on the Island in 2004?
    • Because they were almost all killed by the Hostiles in the Purge, after they violated the Truce between them and the Others over and over again by overstaying the 15 years that Alpert had allowed them to stay on the Island, by the extensive drilling at the Orchid and the Swan and by the location of the Swan, which was in the Others' territory. ("Enter 77") ("The Man Behind the Curtain") ("LaFleur")
  • How did DHARMA travel to and from the Island?
    • Via submarine. ("The Man Behind the Curtain)" ("LaFleur")
  • What was the purpose of the DHARMA Initiative?
    • The DHARMA Initiative was founded by Alvar Hanso in an attempt to change the core values of the Valenzetti Equation. These values were to be broadcast from the radio tower so that any change could be detected by the DHARMA Initiative from off the Island. ("The Lost Experience")
Introduced Solved
"Orientation" "Across the Sea"
  • Why do compasses not work at some places on the Island?
    • Because the Island has a number of pockets of electromagnetism which can interfere with compass bearings. ("Hearts and Minds") ("Across the Sea")
  • What causes the electromagnetic anomalies on the Island?
    • The electromagnetism originates at the source but is also strong at certain other locations on the Island, where Claudia's people built the wells. ("Across the Sea") ("The End")
  • What are the effects of electromagnetism on the Island?
    • Large surges of electromagnetism can distort space and time, causing interference with communications equipment ("Every Man for Himself"), teleportation ("Further Instructions") ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3"), time dilation ("The Economist") ("The Shape of Things to Come") ("Cabin Fever"), visions of the past and future ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") ("Happily Ever After") and time travel. ("The Shape of Things to Come") ("Because You Left")
 The Hostiles
The Others#DHARMA years (1970s–1992)
Introduced Solved
"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1" "LaFleur"
  • Who were the Hostiles?
    • The Hostiles were the name that DHARMA gave to the group later known to the Flight 815 survivors as "the Others". (5x03)
 Statue of Taweret
Statue of Taweret
Introduced Solved
"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1" "Ab Aeterno"
  • What was the Statue of?
    • The Egyptian goddess of fertility, Taweret. ("The Incident, Part 1") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • What was the Statue's purpose?
    • Jacob lived in it. ("The Incident, Part 2")
  • How was the Statue destroyed?
    • The Black Rock, carried by a tidal wave smashed the Statue before landing on the Island. ("Ab Aeterno")
  • Who built the Statue?
    • Egyptians. (Official Lost Podcast/May 7, 2010)
  • When was the Statue built?
    • The exact date is unknown, however it would be between 3150 BC and 31 BC, the time frame of ancient Egypt's existence.
Introduced Solved
"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1" "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3"
  • What is the discharge?
    • The discharges are seen any time a large quantity of electromagnetic energy is released on the Island. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2") ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")
 Pregnancy issues
Introduced Solved
"Not in Portland" "LaFleur"
  • What are the pregnancy issues experienced on the Island?
    • Women who get pregnant on the Island are not able to bear their children to term. Sometime before the third trimester, the women experience a serious miscarriage which results in the deaths of both the child and the mother. Women who conceive off Island, such as Claire seem to be able to give birth without issue. Jacob and his brother were also born on the Island thousands of years earlier. In addition, women such as Sun who conceive on island, but leave before their third trimester, seem to escape miscarriage and death. ("Do No Harm") ("Not In Portland") ("D.O.C.") ("Ji Yeon")
  • Were women ever able to both conceive and give birth on the Island?
    • Yes. As late as the 1970s, women were able to carry a child to term on the Island, as seen by Amy's delivery of Ethan. This timeline hints that the Incident may have caused this. ("LaFleur") ("Across the Sea")
  • What does the Island do to the reproductive systems of its inhabitants?
    • Something on the Island causes the uteruses of women on the Island to age and deteriorate rapidly. Men, on the other hand, experience a five-fold increase in their sperm counts while on the Island, possibly due to the healing properties of the Island. ("Not in Portland") ("D.O.C.")

Unanswered questions

  • What caused women to be unable to bear children on the island, when conception had taken place there?
 Moving the Island
Frozen wheel
Introduced Solved
"Cabin Fever" "316"
 Frozen wheel
Frozen wheel
Introduced Solved
"There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3" "Across the Sea"
  • What was the wheel's purpose?
    • Turning the wheel manipulated the Source's electromagnetic power and allowed the person (or animal) who turned to travel through space and time, and when moved from its axis to make the Island skip through time. ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3") ("Because You Left") ("This Place Is Death") ("LaFleur") ("Across the Sea")
  • Why did DHARMA build the Orchid on top of it?
    • They discovered the Wheel while digging to the Source. Since Dr. Chang stated that they did initially plan to use the electromagnetic energy to time travel, they most likely studied the wheel to determine how to use the energy to accomplish it. ("Because You Left")
  • How was the wheel accessed and installed as it predated the DHARMA station?
    • Through the well, who were built by the Man in Black and the Romans when first discovering the Island's electromagnetic properties. ("This Place Is Death") ("Across the Sea")
  • Who built and installed the wheel?
    • The Man in Black built the original wheel, and even though it got buried before he can install it, it is most likely he built another one in another well, or spent many of his years on the Island digging that well out again. ("Across the Sea")
 Time travel
Time travel
Introduced Solved
"The Shape of Things to Come" "316"
 The Well
The Well
Introduced Solved
"This Place Is Death" "Across the Sea"
  • Who dug the wells?
    • The Man in Black and Claudia's people. ("Across the Sea")
  • Why were the wells dug?
    • They were dug because the Man in Black wanted to reach the Source and use it as a way to escape the Island. They were dug on top of energy pockets where the Man in Black and his friends found that metal behaved strangely. ("The Last Recruit") ("Across the Sea")
 The Source
The Source
Introduced Solved
"Across the Sea" "The End"
  • What is the Source?
    • The Source is the electromagnetic core of the island. The electromagnetism found deep within the island originates here and radiates out to other parts of the island, so therefore it exists here in its most powerful form. ("The End")
  • Why must it be protected?
    • The Source must be protected because if the energy is released, it could cause a global catastrophe. Similar to the Swan Incident, the electromagnetic expulsion caused the island to shake, but much more severely. Cliffs began to split in half and there were landslides and rockfalls. If it had escalated, the implications could have been disastrous. ("The End")

أوشيانيك الرحلة 815[]

 Jack's tattoos
Jack's tattoos
Introduced Solved
"الطائرة,الجزء الاول" "غريب في أرض غريبة"
  • من أين حصل جاك على الوشم الخاص به?
    • من الفتاة التقاها في بوفيت بتايلاند, آشارا. ("غريب في أرض غريبة")
  • ماللذي يعنيه هذا الوشم?
    • وفقا لمذكرات ايزابيل, الوشم يعني "هو يسير فيما بيننا, لكنه ليس واحدا منا." ("غريب في أرض غريبة")
 Sawyer's letter
Sawyer's letter
Introduced Solved
"الطائرة,الجزء الأول "العميد
  • من اللذي كتب الرسالة إلى سوير?
    • رغم قوله أن هذه الرسالة قد كتبت له, إلا أن كيت اكتشفت أن سوير نفسه قد كتبها إلى سوير الحقيقي(اللذي احتال على والدته)

. ("Confidence Man")

  • ماللذي كتب في رسالة سوير?
    • هذه الرسالة كتبها سوير, بعد انتحار والده ومقتل والدته إلى الرجل اللذي كان مسؤولا عن موتهما. ("Confidence Man")
  • من هو سوير الحقيقي?
    • ايضاأنتوني كوبر,وهو والد جون لوك. ("العميد")
 Kate's crime
Kate#Before the crash
Introduced Solved
"الطائرة,الجزء الأول" "ماتفعله كيت"
  • ماللذي جعل كيت تهرب من السلطات?
    • لأنها قتلت والدها (اللذي كانت تظنه سابقا زوج أمها) عبر تفجير المنزل اللذي تقيم فيه معه ومع والدتها. ("ما تفعله كيت")
 Locke's paralysis
John Locke#Paralyzed
Introduced Solved
"Walkabout" "The Man from Tallahassee"
  • كيف فقد لوك القدرةعلى استخدام ساقيه?
    • قام والده(أنتوني كوبر) بدفعه من النافذة, حيث سقط من الدور الثامن مما أدى إلى كسر ظهره. ("الرجل من تالاهاسي")
 Raising Aaron
Aaron Littleton
Introduced Solved
"Raised By Another" "?", "The End"
  • Why did a psychic tell Claire that she must be the one to raise Aaron?
    • Richard Malkin later revealed to Eko that his psychic abilities were a scam, thus his predictions for Claire weren't accurate. ("?")
  • Who was the couple in Los Angeles who could raise Aaron?
    • Although possibly a coincidence since Malkin revealed that he was a fraud, Jack and Kate briefly lived together and raised Aaron in their time off the Island. Kate would eventually rescue Claire from the Island, however, presumably reuniting her with her son. ("Something Nice Back Home") ("The End")

Unanswered questions

  • Why did Malkin change his prediction later, saying that Claire must give up Aaron to a couple in L.A.?
 Walt's powers
Walt Lloyd
Introduced Solved
"Special" n/a
  • What were Walt's powers?
    • Walt seemed to have a number of supernatural powers, including remote projection ("Abandoned") ("Three Minutes") ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"), precognition ("Special") ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") and some form of communicating with animals ("Special") ("Room 23").

Unanswered questions

  • What caused Walt's powers?
 Tail Section
Introduced Solved
"Walkabout" "The Other 48 Days"
  • What happened to the Tail section of the plane?
    • It crashed on the other part of the Island.
  • Were there any survivors, as Rose suggested?
    • Yes, with about 23 people surviving the crash (including Rose's husband Bernard and Ana Lucia, the woman Jack met at the airport), plus Goodwin an Other who infiltrated them. ("Walkabout") ("Exodus, Part 1") ("Orientation") ("The Other 48 Days")
 Eko's stick
Eko's stick
Introduced Solved
"The Other 48 Days" "Enter 77"
  • What is carved on Eko's stick?
    • Passages of scripture, which he refers to as things he needs to remember. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Where does the bearing given to Locke on Eko's stick lead?
    • To the Flame. ("Enter 77")
 Libby's past
Elizabeth "Libby" Smith#Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute
Introduced Solved
"Dave" "Live Together, Die Alone
  • Why was Libby in Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute?
    • She was self-admitted because of the nervous breakdown she suffered after her husband's death. ("Live Together, Die Alone") ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
 Sun's baby
Ji Yeon Kwon
Introduced Solved
"The Whole Truth" "D.O.C."
  • Who was the father of Sun's baby?
    • It was Jin and the baby was conceived on the Island, as revealed by Juliet's ultrasound. ("D.O.C.")
  • How was Sun able to get pregnant if Jin was infertile?
    • As stated by Juliet, men see an increased sperm count on the Island. ("D.O.C.")
 Desmond's flashes
Desmond's flashes
Introduced Solved
"Further Instructions" "The Constant"
  • What caused Desmond's flashes?
    • Exposure to electromagnetism when the Swan imploded, which can cause time travel and visions of the past and future. ("Live Together, Die Alone") ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") ("Happily Ever After")
  • Can the future seen in the visions be prevented?
    • To a small degree, yes. The particular events in the visions can be avoided, however this will cause the universe to "course correct" and engineer another situation where the outcome that was avoided still comes about, such as with Charlie's death. ("Every Man For Himself") ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") ("Catch-22") ("Through the Looking Glass")

Unanswered questions

  • Why was Claire never seen getting on the helicopter with Aaron as Desmond predicted?
 Hurley's visions
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
Introduced Solved
"The Beginning of the End" "Some Like It Hoth"
 Hurley's guitar case
Hurley's guitar case
Introduced Solved
"316" "LA X, Part 2"
  • Who gave Hurley the guitar case?
    • Jacob, while visiting Hurley, after he was dismissed from prison. ("The Incident, Part 2")
  • What was in the guitar case?
    • There was a wooden ankh inside, containing a list of the names of the survivors who came to the Temple (Reyes, Kwon, Jarrah, Shephard and Austen). ("LA X, Part 2")
  • Why did Hurley have a guitar case?
    • In addition to holding the ankh for delivery to the Temple, the guitar case may also have helped Ajira 316 to reach the Island by acting as a proxy for Charlie's guitar case on the original flight. ("Exodus, Part 2") ("316") ("LA X, Part 2")


 Alex's kidnapping
Alex Rousseau#Childhood
Introduced Solved
"Solitary" "Dead Is Dead"
  • Why did the Others kidnap Alex?
    • Following the orders given to him by Widmore to kill her, Ben with the assistance from young Ethan Rom, went to Rousseau's tent and while attempting to kill her, he noticed her baby daughter, and in a quick change of heart he abducted Alex and spared Danielle, telling her to stay away from the Whispers in the jungle. Following this, Ben started taking care of Alex. ("Dead Is Dead")
 Ethan Rom
Ethan Rom
Introduced Solved
"Raised By Another" "Stranger in a Strange Land"
  • Why wasn't he on the plane?
    • Because he had been living on the Island with the group who came to be known to the survivors as the Others. ("Raised by Another")
  • Why had he infiltrated the survivors' camp?
    • He was instructed by Benjamin Linus to infiltrate the survivors in order to create lists of passengers who would be deemed acceptable recruits for the Others. After discovering that Claire was pregnant, he kidnapped her in order to help the Others research their fertility problems. ("Maternity Leave") ("A Tale of Two Cities") ("The Other Woman")
  • What was his function within the Others?
    • He was their surgeon. ("Stranger in a Strange Land")
 Claire's kidnapping
Claire Littleton
Introduced Solved
"Raised By Another" "Maternity Leave"
  • Why did the Others kidnap Claire?
    • They wanted to help her deliver so they can take her baby and experiment on him, because of the pregnancy issue that occurred on the Island. ("Maternity Leave")
  • Where did they keep her?
    • In an abandoned DHARMA medical station, The Staff. ("Maternity Leave")
  • How did Claire escape the Others?
    • Alex helped her out of the station, while Danielle knocked her out and dragged her near the survivors' camp. ("Maternity Leave") ("Special")
 Walt's kidnapping
Walt Lloyd
Introduced Solved
"Exodus, Part 3" "Room 23"
  • Why did the Others kidnap Walt?
    • Initially he was kidnapped because they were mandated to "rescue" children and they had failed to do so prior to the raft launch. Without a heading, they knew those on the raft would fail to escape the island and would likely die. Later on, after thorough testing and discovering his disturbing gifts, the Others decided he would be best used as a bargaining chip in order to manipulate Michael into freeing Ben, and luring Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sawyer into a trap.
 Cindy's disappearance
Cindy Chandler
Introduced Solved
"Abandoned" "Stranger in a Strange Land"
  • What happened to Cindy while the tail section survivors were travelling across the Island?
    • Somehow, Cindy left the group and ended up with the Others. It is unknown whether she was kidnapped or left on her own. She was later seen to be happy to be with the Others, taking responsibility for Zach and Emma. ("The Other 48 Days") ("Stranger in a Strange Land") ("The Brig") ("LA X, Part 2")

Unanswered questions

  • Was she kidnapped or did she leave of her own volition?
  • Why did Cindy stay with the Others?
 "Henry Gale"
Benjamin Linus
Introduced Solved
"One of Them" "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"
  • Who is Henry Gale?
    • Henry Gale is Benjamin Linus, a member of the Others. (3x01) (2x17)
  • What is his position among the Others?
    • Ben is the leader of the Others. (2x24)
  • What was he doing when he was ensnared by Rousseau?
    • He informs John Locke that he was on his way to kidnap him, although, since aspects of his description of the Others have proven false, this may not be true. (2x20)
 Room 23
Room 23
Introduced Solved
"Three Minutes" "The Package"
  • Where did the Others take Karl?
    • To a facility on Hydra Island, known as Room 23. ("Not in Portland")
  • What was Room 23's purpose?
    • It was designed by the DHARMA Initiative to conduct experiments on subliminal messaging, and to brainwash and interrogate abducted Hostiles. After the Purge, it was taken by the Others and it was used for brainwashing as a mean of punishment and as a place to keep prisoners. ("The New Man in Charge") ("Not in Portland") ("Room 23") ("The Package")
Introduced Solved
"The Glass Ballerina" "The End"
  • What were the Others building on Hydra Island?
    • A runway. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 1")
  • Why was a runway being built?
    • The runway was eventually used by Frank in order to land Ajira Flight 316 relatively safely, and later to take off and escape the Island. ("Namaste") ("The End")
  • How did the Others know to build a runway?
    • Jacob told them so. ("Official Lost Podcast/March 19, 2009")
 Richard Alpert
Richard Alpert
Introduced Solved
"Not In Portland" "Ab Aeterno"
  • Who is he?
    • Jacob's intermediary and an advisor to the leader of the Others, and their leader at least since the 1860s to the mid-twentieth century when Eloise took over. ("Follow the Leader") ("Jughead") ("The Variable") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • When and how did he come on the Island?
    • Aboard the Black Rock in 1867, as a slave of Magnus Hanso. ("Ab Aeterno")
  • Why did he appear to be the same age in 1954, 1977 and 2004?
    • Jacob granted him agelessness. ("The Incident, Part 1") ("Ab Aeterno")
 Anthony Cooper
Anthony Cooper
Introduced Solved
"The Man from Tallahassee" "The Brig"
  • How did he get on the Island?
    • He was brought by the Others, who staged a car accident, after which they abduct him and brought him to the Island. ("The Brig") (Access: Granted)
 The Temple
The Temple
Introduced Solved
"Through the Looking Glass, Part 1" "LA X, Part 2"
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 2" "Sundown"
  • Who is he?
    • Dogen is the temple master.
  • Why did he need to be dead for The Man in Black to enter the temple?


 The parachutist
Naomi Dorrit
Introduced Solved
"Catch-22" "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  • Who is she?
    • Naomi Dorrit claimed to be sent to the Island by Penny Widmore to find Desmond. ("Catch-22")
  • What was her mission on the Island?
    • She had been hired by Charles Widmore to come to the Island and capture Benjamin Linus. ("Confirmed Dead") ("Meet Kevin Johnson")
 Fake wreckage
Flight 815#Purported discovery of the wreckage
Introduced Solved
"The Brig" "The Variable"
  • Why did Cooper and Naomi claim that the Oceanic plane was found in the bottom of the ocean?
    • Because a fake wreckage was inserted in the Sunda Trench. ("Ji Yeon") ("Meet Kevin Johnson")
  • Who was responsible for the fake wreckage?
    • Charles Widmore, because he didn't one anyone to find the Island, whose special properties he wanted to exploit. ("Ji Yeon") ("The Variable")
 Freighter's missions
Introduced Solved
"The Beginning of the End" Various
  • What was Naomi's mission?
    • Her mission was to protect the science team. ("Confirmed Dead")
  • What was the mercenary team's mission?
    • To locate and apprehend Ben Linus. ("Confirmed Dead") ("The Shape of Things to Come")
  • What was the science team's mission?
    • To shut down the Tempest. ("The Other Woman")
  • Why were Daniel and Miles specifically selected for the mission?
    • Daniel was Widmore's son who he wanted to be healed by the Island, and Miles' ability to communicate with the dead was useful in locating Ben. ("The Variable") ("Some Like It Hoth")
 Daniel's memory
Daniel Faraday
Introduced Solved
"Eggtown" "The Variable"
  • Why did Daniel appear to have memory problems?
    • It was a consequence from his experiments, that previously left his girlfriend Theresa Spencer unstuck in time. ("Jughead") ("Follow the Leader")
  • Why did Juliet note that he was getting better on the Island?
    • As Eloise and Widmore predicted, the Island healed him. ("The Variable")
 Miles' abilities
Miles Straume
Introduced Solved
"Confirmed Dead" "Some Like It Hoth"
  • How does Miles communicate with the deceased?
    • He gets a "feeling" about who the deceased was and whatever they knew before they died. ("Some Like It Hoth")

Unanswered questions

  • What caused Miles' ability?
 Charlotte's history
Charlotte Lewis#On the Island
Introduced Solved
"There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3" "This Place Is Death"
  • What was the connection between Charlotte's past and the Island?
    • Her parents were part of the DHARMA Initiative, and she was raised on the Island before being evacuated prior to the Incident. ("This Place Is Death") ("Follow the Leader")
 Time discrepancies
Ray (doctor)#On the Island
Introduced Solved
"The Economist" "There's No Place Like Home, Part 3"
  • What causes the time discrepancies?
    • Electromagnetic energy, such as the energy on the Island has been shown to cause unpredictable behavior in space and time. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") ("The Shape of Things to Come")
  • Why do the time discrepancy affect certain arrivals and exists, while not others?
    • Because of the bearings needed to to travel to and from the Island. ("Live Together, Die Alone") ("The Constant")
  • Why do the time discrepancies vary in severity?
    • Because the results of releasing the Island's electromagnetic energy are unpredictable. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1").
  • Why are the bearings that the Others' gave Michael different than the ones Daniel gave to Lapidus?
    • Because the bearings change in time. ("Because You Left")
 Ben's Mole
Michael Dawson
Introduced Solved
"Confirmed Dead" "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  • Who was Ben's man on the Kahana?
    • It was Michael Dawson, under the alias Kevin Johnson. ("Ji Yeon") ("Meet Kevin Johnson")
  • How did Ben get Michael to be his mole?
    • Tom found Michael as he was attempting suicide and persuaded him that he couldn't commit suicide as the Island wasn't done with him. He told him that the only way to redeem himself is to go as the Others' mole on Widmore's freighter and destroy it, to prevent the crew from arriving on the Island and killing everyone on it. ("Meet Kevin Johnson")

مبادرة دارما[]

 Pushing the button
Push the Button
Introduced Solved
"Orientation" "Live Together, Die Alone"
  • Why did the button need to be pushed every 108 minutes?
    • To discharge the massive amount of electromagnetic energy that built underneath the Swan. قالب:Sourceneeded
 "Marvin Candle"
Pierre Chang
Introduced Solved
"Orientation" "The Incident"
  • What was his real name?
    • His real name was Pierre Chang. ("Some Like It Hoth")
  • Why did he use a different alias in each orientation video?
    • He did not want his real name divulged for purposes of security. ("The New Man in Charge")
  • Who was he?
    • He was a theoretical astrophysicist, and high ranking member of the DHARMA Initiative, who used a stage names (such as Marvin Candle, Mark Wickmund and Edgar Halliwax) while recording orientation films for various DHARMA facilities, for the purpose of security. ("Some Like It Hoth")
  • How did he lose the use of his arm?
    • He lost it in the Incident. ("The Incident, Part 2")
  • Why did he throw out his wife and infant son?
    • He thought that it was the only way to make sure they left the Island, to protect them from the Incident. ("Follow the Leader")
 The Incident
The Incident (event)
Introduced Solved
"Orientation" "The Incident"
  • What caused the Incident?
    • Drilling into the massive pocket of energy beneath the Swan work site, ("The Incident") though it is possible that the survivors also caused some of the damage by detonating the Jughead, as "whatever happened, happened" still applies. ("The Incident") ("The End")
  • How was the Swan station preventing a similar Incident in the future?
    • By releasing smaller amounts of energy through the Swan protocol.
 Blast door map
Blast door map
Introduced Solved
"Lockdown" "Live Together, Die Alone"
  • Who created the blast door map?
    • Stuart Radzinsky and Kelvin Inman. ("Live Together, Die Alone")
  • How did Radzinsky make the map?
    • Kelvin said that Radzinsky learned how to force a lockdown so they can work on the map. ("Live Together, Die Alone")
 Supply drop
Periodic resupply drop
Introduced Solved
"Lockdown" "The New Man in Charge"
  • How are the supplies delivered to the Island?
    • By helicopters. (Sri Lanka video)
  • Who is sending the supply drops?
    • The Hanso Foundation. (Sri Lanka video)
  • Why are supplies still being sent to the Island?
    • Because the DHARMA facility in Guam, where the supplies were packed and sent from was still in operation until 2010. They didn't know that DHARMA ceased to exist after the Purge, receiving regular updates and coordinates from the Lamp Post station, whose mechanism for calculating the Island's position was programmed to run perpetually. ("The New Man in Charge")
 The Purge
The Purge
Introduced Solved
"Enter 77" "The Man Behind the Curtain"
  • What was the Purge?
    • The Purge was the final attack by the Hostiles upon the DHARMA Initiative, which effectively eradicated the latter from the Island. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
  • How was the Purge accomplished?
    • Somehow (likely with the aid of Benjamin Linus, the Hostiles were able to get into the Tempest and release a toxic gas which killed almost all the DHARMA personnel on the Island. The Hostiles were able to survive via the use of gas masks. ("The Man Behind the Curtain") ("The Other Woman")
  • Why was the Purge initiated?
    • There had been a long-standing feud between the Hostiles and DHARMA, each claiming some right to the Island. Although a truce had been struck between the two, it was uneasy, and the DI broke it multiple times; eventually someone among the Hostiles gave the order to exterminate the DHARMA initiative. ("The Man Behind the Curtain") ("LaFleur")
  • Were there any survivors from the DHARMA Initiative?
    • Minimally, Kelvin and Radzinsky survived, presumably having been inside the Swan at the time. Ben and Ethan also survived, having defected to the Hostiles. Somehow, Danielle Rousseau was also able to survive the gas. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2") ("The Man Behind the Curtain") ("Dead Is Dead")

أجيرا الرحلة 316[]

Ilana Verdansky
Introduced Solved
"316" "Ab Aeterno"
  • Why was Sayid in Ilana's custody on Ajira Flight 316?
    • Primarily she claimed that she was a bounty hunter hired by Peter Avellino's family to apprehend Sayid ("He's Our You"), though it was later revealed that she did this to bring Sayid to the Island, as part of her role as the person responsible for protecting Jacob, and later the remaining candidates. ("The Incident, Part 1") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • Why did Ilana get so emotional because of Jacob's death?
    • He was the closest thing to a father she ever had. ("Dr. Linus")
  • What was Ilana and Jacob's relationship?
    • He was a person she heavily trusted, ("Ab Aeterno") even as far as spending her whole life beside him training to one day protect his candidates. ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
  • How did Ilana leave the Russian hospital soon enough to capture Sayid, even though she was badly injured?
    • Jacob healed her. ("Ab Aeterno")
  • Why did Jacob need her help?
    • To help him keep the remaining six candidates safe. ("Ab Aeterno")

Unanswered questions

  • Why was she in the Russian hospital?
 Shadow of the statue
Shadow of the statue
Introduced Solved
"Dead Is Dead" "The Incident"
  • What was the answer to the question?
    • "He which shall protect us all" ("Ille qui nos omnes servabit"). ("The Incident, Part 2")
  • What was the significance of the question?
    • Ilana was told to show the content of the Ajira crate to the person who will correctly answer the question. ("The Incident, Part 2")
Ajira crate
Introduced Solved
"Dead Is Dead" "The Incident"
  • What was in the Ajira crate?
    • The dead body of John Locke. ("The Incident, Part 2")
  • Why did Ilana and her people carry the crate to the main Island?
    • To prove to Richard that the man he lead to Jacob wasn't Locke, but the Man in Black. ("The Incident, Part 2")
 Outrigger chase
The other Others
Introduced Solved
"The Little Prince" n/a

Unanswered questions

  • Who was in the other outrigger?
  • Why were they shooting?

جيكوب مقابل الرجل ذو الرداء الأسود[]

Introduced Solved
"Two for the Road" "Across the Sea"
  • What was the name of "Him", the man Ben said was the Others' leader?
    • It was Jacob. ("I Do")
  • Who was Jacob?
    • Jacob was the son of Claudia, a Roman woman who crashed on the Island around two millennia prior to the crash of Oceanic 815, who, along with his brother the Man in Black were raised by the previous protector of the Island, known as Mother, after she killed Claudia. ("Across the Sea") He would eventually become the next protector of the Island, a job he would hold for about 2000 years, until passing it on to Jack, one of his 360 candidates. ("Across the Sea") ("What They Died For")
  • Where was Jacob living, as he was never seen with the Others?
    • He lived beneath the Statue, communicating with the Others through an intermediary, Richard Alpert. This location wasn't known to anyone but Alpert, as even Ben thought he lived in the cabin, which turned out to be the residence of the Man in Black. ("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2") ("Ab Aeterno")
  • How did Jacob acquire his abilities?
    • They were bestowed upon him by Mother once he took over the job of protector of the Island. ("Across the Sea")
 Jacob's cabin
Jacob's cabin
Introduced Solved
"The Man Behind the Curtain" "The Incident, Part 1"
  • What is the origin of the cabin?
    • The cabin was built by Horace Goodspeed, originally as a vacation spot for him and his wife. ("Cabin Fever")
  • What is the significance of the ash circle around the cabin?
    • The ash circle prevents the smoke monster from entering an area, or in the case of the cabin, keeping it in. ("LA X, Part 1")
  • Why does Jacob appear invisible to Locke?
    • Jacob wasn't there. Ben had never met Jacob and was pretending in order to make Locke feel inferior. ("The Incident, Part 1")

Unanswered questions

  • How was the cabin able to change locations?
  • Why did Ilana order the burning of the cabin?
  • Why did Jacob abandon the cabin?
  • Who asked Locke for help and why did objects start flying around the room?
  • Whose eye did Hurley see in the cabin?
 The Man in Black
The Man in Black
Introduced Solved
"The Incident, Part 1" "Across the Sea"
  • Who was the Man in Black?
    • He was once a man, Jacob's twin brother and Claudia's second son, who was also raised by Mother, after she killed Claudia. He was keen on leaving the Island, though Mother constantly prevented him from doing so, eventually culminating with the Man in Black killing her after she killed Claudia's people and destroying one of the wells. Jacob, angered with this, threw the Man in Black into the Sources, making him the Monster. ("Across the Sea")
  • Why did the Man in Black need Ben to kill Jacob?
    • Because Mother, fearing that one of the brothers (and one of the candidates for her replacement) may kill the other one, made it so that they may not hurt each other, so the Man in Black couldn't kill him by himself. ("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2") ("Across the Sea") He chose Ben specifically, because he needed someone that had personal reasons to kill Jacob, and so wouldn't hesitate from killing Jacob because of his convincing words, unlike Alpert, and possibly others. ("Ab Aeterno")
Introduced Solved
"The Incident, Part 1" "The End"
  • Who are the candidates?
    • The candidates were possible replacements for Jacob, who knew that the Man in Black would eventually succeed in killing him. Many candidates existed, however by the time of his death, Jacob had narrowed it down to six names, each of which corresponding to one of the numbers: Locke (4), Reyes (8), Ford (15), Jarrah (16), Shephard (23) and Kwon (42, either Jin or Sun). Ilana also suggested that Frank may have been a candidate. ("The Incident, Part 2") ("The Substitute") ("What They Died For")
  • Why were the candidates chosen?
    • Jacob selected the candidates because they were "like him": alone and looking for something that was missing in their lives. ("What They Died For")
  • How was Jacob able to get the candidates to the Island?
    • At some point in each of their lives, Jacob came to the candidates off the Island and physically touched them. According to the Man in Black, somehow this touch caused fate to take control over the events in the candidates' lives, which eventually led them to the Island. ("The Incident") ("The Substitute")
  • Why was Kate not a candidate?
    • Jacob removed Kate's name when she became a mother to Aaron. According to Jacob, her removal as a candidate was only a line of chalk in a cave and she could take the position if she wished. ("Eggtown") ("What They Died For")
  • Which of the two Kwon's were actually one of Jacob's candidates?
    • Although Ilana seemed unsure whether Jin or Sun was the actual Kwon candidate, given that Jacob had removed Kate from his consideration when she became a mother, it is likely that Sun was not the candidate for the same reason. ("What They Died For")
  • Who was the final candidate?
    • Jack decided that he would accept Jacob's offer and became the new protector of the Island. His position was short-lived, however, as he was fatally wounded battling the Man in Black and died shortly after he prevented the Island from sinking. Hurley then took over the job, advised by Ben. ("What They Died For") ("The End")
 Sayid's resurrection
Sayid#2007 (Season 6)
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 2" "Sundown"
 The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse
Introduced Solved
"Lighthouse" "What They Died For"
 Widmore's return
Widmore's submarine
Introduced Solved
"Dr. Linus" "What They Died For"
  • How did Widmore come back after not being able to do so for many years?
    • Jacob visited him and told him to go back, most likely abolishing his exile as a result. ("What They Died For")
  • What was in the locked room in Widmore's submarine?
    • Desmond Hume. ("The Package")
  • Why did Widmore bring Desmond?
    • Because Desmond was Jacob's fail-safe, ("What They Died For") as he was able to survive exposure to high amounts of electromagnetism ("Live Together, Die Alone") ("Happily Ever After"), and if all the candidates were to die, Desmond was suppose to remove the cork stone and destroy the Island, along with the Man in Black. ("What They Died For") ("The End")
Introduced Solved
"Recon" "Across the Sea"
  • Who was she?
    • She was the protector of the Island prior to Jacob. ("Across the Sea")
  • Why did the Man in Black refer to her as a "crazy" person?
    • She killed the Man in Black's birth mother and stole him and his brother from her. ("Across the Sea")
  • What were the growing pains he had because of her?
    • She prohibited him from killing Jacob, the man he held responsible for his death, the loss of his humanity and for his inability to leave the Island. She also prevented him from leaving the Island via the Wheel, and killed the people he was leaving with, preventing him from getting help from them. ("Across the Sea")

Unanswered questions

  • What was her name and what were her origins?
  • How was she able to kill all the Romans on the Island, burn their village and bury the Well?
  • Why did she thank the Man in Black from him killing her?

خارج الجزيرة[]

 Nadia's whereabouts
Noor "Nadia" Abed Jazeem
Introduced Solved
"Solitary" "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"
  • Where did Nadia go after escaping the Intelligence Division's imprisonment?
    • She initially went to the UK, ("Greatest Hits"), later making her way to the US living in Los Angeles, California ("Lockdown") and finally Irvine, California. ("The Greater Good")
  • Was she really dead as Sayid told Rousseau?
    • No, she wasn't. ("The Shape of Things to Come") ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1") As Sayid knew this prior to coming on the Island ("The Greater Good"), it is most likely that he told Rousseau so, so she would sympathize with him.
 Penny's search
Tracking station
Introduced Solved
"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2" "There's No Place Like Home, Part 3"
 Eloise Hawking
Eloise Hawking
Introduced Solved
"Flashes Before Your Eyes" "Follow the Leader"
  • How does she know of Desmond's future?
    • She had previous experience with time travelers from the future, including the opportunity to read her son's notebook. ("The Variable") ("Follow the Leader")

Unanswered questions

  • What was her relationship with Brother Campbell?
 Jeremy Bentham
John Locke#Post-Island and death
Introduced Solved
"Through the Looking Glass" "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
  • Who was the man in the coffin?
    • It was John Locke. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")
  • How did he leave the Island?
    • By turning the frozen wheel. ("This Place Is Death") ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham")
  • How did he die?
    • He was strangled by Ben, though people thought he committed suicide by hanging himself. ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") ("316")
  • Why did he leave the Island?
    • To persuade the ones who left to come back. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2") ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3") ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham")
  • Why did he use the alias "Jeremy Bentham"?
    • It was the name Widmore used on Locke's fake passport, because of the philosophical meaning of both "John Locke" and "Jeremy Bentham". ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham")
 Oceanic Six
Oceanic Six
Introduced Solved
"The Beginning of the End" "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3"
  • Who were the Oceanic Six?
    • They were a group of six people who eventually left the Island, and consisted of Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron and Sun. ("The Beginning of the End|The Economist")("Eggtown") ("Ji Yeon")
  • How did they leave the Island?
    • They were rescued by Frank Lapidus and Penny Widmore. ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3")
  • Why did fabricate a false story and were the details of fabricated story?
    • They wanted to protect the people they left behind from Widmore, by lying that they crashed in the Sunda Trench, later swimming to an island called Membata, where after the death of three other passengers and the birth of Aaron to Kate, they left Membata on a fishing boat that they discovered on the Island. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1") ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3") ("The Lie")
  • How did Kate get to be Aaron's guardian?
    • She took him from Sawyer, after Claire abandoned him in the jungle. ("Something Nice Back Home") ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3")
  • How did Ben leave the Island?
    • By turning the frozen wheel. ("The Shape of Things to Come") ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3")
 Matthew Abaddon
Matthew Abaddon
Introduced Solved
"The Beginning of the End" "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
  • Who was Matthew Abaddon?
    • He was the man who worked for Charles Widmore,("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") and who was responsible for bringing the Kahana's science team together. ("Confirmed Dead")
  • Why did he visit Locke and tell him to go on a walkabout?
    • He knew that if Locke went on the walkabout, he would've boarded Oceanic Flight 815, which got him on the Island. ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham")
 Ben vs. Widmore
Benjamin Linus vs
Introduced Solved
"The Other Woman" "Dead Is Dead"
  • How did their rivalry start?
    • Their feud started when Ben disobeyed Widmore's orders to kill Rousseau, and later Alex, who he adopted and raised as an Other. ("Dead Is Dead")
  • Under which circumstances did Widmore leave the Island?
    • He was banished by Ben, who discovered he had a child with an outsider and frequently left the Island, which broke some of the Rules that the Others (or at least their leaders) followed. ("Dead Is Dead")
 Sayid's victims
Lists#Ben's list
Introduced Solved
"The Economist" "He's Our You"
  • Why did Sayid start working for Ben?
    • Because after Ishmael Bakir, an associate of Widmore's killed Nadia, Ben manipulates Sayid into thinking he can revenge his late wife and protect his friends by joining Ben. ("The Shape of Things to Come")
  • Who were the people that Sayid was killing for Ben?
    • They were all Widmore's associates. ("He's Our You")
  • Why did Sayid eventually leave Ben's service, and urged Hurley not to trust Ben?
    • Because after killing the last of Widmore's associates on Ben's list, Sayid realized that Ben had only manipulated him. ("He's Our You")
  • How did Sayid know that someone was watching Hurley?
    • Ben told him, after visiting him in the Dominican Republic. ("He's Our You")
 Return to the Island
A-Missions#Off-Island (Pt
Introduced Solved
"Through the Looking Glass, Part 2" "316"
  • Why did the ones who left need to come back?
    • Overall because they were the candidates and Jacob needed one of them to protect the Island after his death. Locke presented this to them as "their destiny". ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") ("The Substitute") ("What They Died For")
  • What were each survivors reasons to come back?
    • Jack went back because of the guilt he felt after Locke's visit (which prior to the decision to go back made him attempt suicide) and his feeling that it was his destiny to go back to the Island ("Through the Looking Glass") ("There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3") ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"), Sun decided to go back to search for Jin ("This Place Is Death") ("316"), Kate decided to go back to search for Claire ("Whatever Happened, Happened"), Sayid was brought on the plane against his will in Ilana's custody ("316") ("He's Our You") and Hurley was persuaded by Jacob, who visited him after Hurley left prison. ("The Incident, Part 2)"
  • What were the horrible things that happened on the Island, after the Oceanic Six left?
    • As the time flashes started, the survivors were the subject of a raid by the 1954 Others which resulted in the death of the majority of the 815 survivors ("The Lie"), while the rest quickly became infected with temporal displacement because of the time shifts, which caused severe pain, headache and nosebleeds, and consequentially Charlotte's death. ("The Lie") ("Jughead") ("The Little Prince") ("This Place Is Death")

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 Changing the timeline
Flash-sideways timeline
Introduced Solved
"The Variable" "The End"
  • Can the timeline be changed?
    • No. Any changes in the timeline will have their outcomes "course-corrected" towards how events were supposed to transpire. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
  • Can major events change the timeline?
    • No. Daniel Faraday had hypothesized that a sufficiently major event, such as preventing the Incident could change the timeline, he was later proven incorrect. Although it originally seemed that such actions could cause the timeline to diverge into two different versions, it was later shown that the events of the flash sideways timeline took place in the afterlife, long after the crash of Oceanic 815. ("The Variable") ("LA X, Part 1") ("The End")
 Island's submergence
The Island#Flash sideways timeline
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 1" "The End"
  • How could the Island have sunk?
    • Removing the cork from the source causes the Island to begin to sink. ("The End")
  • Why was the Island submerged in the flash sideways timeline?
    • Due to the revelation that the flash sideways timeline was actually the afterlife, it is likely that the Island being submerged was simply a narrative device to indicate that the Island held no power over the lives of the Oceanic passengers in the flash sideways. ("LA X, Part 1") ("The End")
 Misplaced luggage
LA X#Flash-sideways timeline
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 2" "The End"
  • What happened to Locke's knives and Christian's coffin?
    • The items were simply misplaced by Oceanic Airlines.
Jack Shephard (flash-sideways timeline)
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 1" "The End"
  • How was Jack's life different in the flash sideways timeline?
    • In the flash sideways timeline, Jack had had a son with Juliet Carlson. Though he strove to be a better father than Christian, Jack's relation with his son David were strained. Despite this, Jack was able to patch up his relationship with David; something he had never been able to do with his own father. ("Lighthouse") ("The End")
  • What caused Jack's recurring neck wound?
    • The neck wound was an artifact from Jack's life on the Island, where the Man in Black attempted to stab him in the neck. ("The End")
  • Why did the wound keep reappearing?
    • Given that the flash sideways timeline had been created to help the Oceanic survivors remember their former lives, the neck wound was likely meant to help Jack remember. ("The End)"
Desmond Hume (flash-sideways timeline)
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 1" "The End"
  • Why was Desmond on the plane in the flash sideways timeline?
    • He was in Australia to close a deal for his employer, Charles Widmore. ("Happily Ever After")
  • What did he want to show to the rest of the Oceanic 815 passengers?
    • He wanted to show them that this wasn't their real life, that it was actually their afterlife, and wanted to help them all remember their past lives, and fulfill their purpose in the flash sideways timeline (Hurley finally going out with Libby, Locke "letting go", Sayid meeting Shannon, Claire meeting Ilana, and therefore Jack and David). ("Everybody Loves Hugo") ("The Last Recruit") ("What They Died For") ("The End")
  • Why did he ran Locke over?
    • He wanted him to meet Jack again (this time as his patient), so he can have the surgery and finally "let go". ("What They Died For") ("The End")
 Jin and Sun
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 2" "The Package"
  • Why did the Oceanic agent refer to Sun as Miss Paik?
    • Because in the flash sideways timeline, Sun and Jin never got married, though they did have a love affair. ("The Package")
  • What were the money that Jin was suppose to deliver in L.A. for?
    • They were to be delivered to Martin Keamy, an associate of Woo-Jung Paik's, who was being paid to kill Jin, because he had an affair with Sun. ("The Package")
  • Why was Jin tied up in Keamy's restaurant?
    • Because Keamy was suppose to kill him after talking to Sayid. ("The Package")
Kate Austen (flash-sideways timeline)
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 1" "The End"
Sayid Jarrah (flash-sideways timeline)
Introduced Solved
"Sundown" "The Last Recruit"
John Locke (flash-sideways timeline)
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 1" "The Candidate"
  • How did Locke lose the use of his legs in the flash sideways timeline?
    • In a plane accident with his father. ("The Candidate")
 Dr. Linus
Benjamin Linus (flash-sideways timeline)
Introduced Solved
"The Substitute" "Dr. Linus"
  • How did Ben end up in the outside world and was he still affiliated with any of the previous Island factions?
    • He left the Island with his father, Roger Linus while the DHARMA Initiative was still functioning on the Island, so Ben was never part of the Purge, and never defected to the Others. ("Dr. Linus")
 David Shephard
David Shephard's mother
Introduced Solved
"Lighthouse "The End
  • Who is his mother?
    • Juliet Carlson, who had married and been divorced from Jack Shephard in the flash sideways timeline. ("The End")
  • Was he real?
    • As Christian Shephard explained to Jack in the church, everyone was real, however Juliet and Jack did not have a son together in their Earthly lives, so David was apparently a surrogate, needed by Jack to help him overcome his father issues, and by Juliet, herself a fertility specialist, to reconcile never having a child of her own. ("The End")
 Seeing other timelines
Timeline differences
Introduced Solved
"LA X, Part 2" "The End"
  • How did Juliet know "it worked"?
    • When Juliet was near death, she was able to see a vision of the afterlife, wherein Oceanic 815 never crashed. She may have incorrectly assumed that they had been successful in preventing the Incident, resulting in Oceanic 815's safe landing in Los Angeles. However, she also said to Sawyer as she was dying, "We should get coffee sometime. We can go Dutch." Later, when she met him at the vending machine in the flash sideways, she said the exact same thing about going Dutch for coffee, followed by "It worked," referring to the trick she suggested for getting Sawyer's stuck candy bar out of the machine. So it is possible that those last thoughts, "It worked," that Miles detected from her grave, were actually her seeing her afterlife, and repeating what she said to Sawyer at the machine. ("LA X, Part 1") ("The End")
  • How was Charlotte Malkin able to communicate with Yemi?
    • Similar to Juliet, when she was close to death via drowning Charlotte Malkin was able to see into the afterlife where she presumably spoke with Yemi who gave her a message for Eko. ("?") ("The End")
  • How is Desmond able to see visions of the flashsideways timeline?
    • Since, exposure to large amounts of electromagnetism can cause characters to see visions of their past and future, Widmore's experiment forced Desmond to see so far into his own future that he was looking at his own afterlife. ("Happily Ever After") ("The End")
  • How are the flashsideways characters able to see the events from the original timeline?
    • Since the timelines were not actually separate, and the flashsideways timeline was the characters' afterlife, these visions occurred when characters were able to make some sort of connection with their previous lives, granting them awareness of the events they had previously lived out. ("Happily Ever After") ("Everybody Loves Hugo") ("The End")
 Moving On
The End
Introduced Solved
"The End" "The End"
  • Why aren't Michael and Walt at the church?
    • Michael wasn't at the church because he was trapped on the Island as a ghost for having murdered Ana Lucia and Libby. Walt likely wasn't there because the Island (and thus the Oceanic castaways) were no longer a part of his life; he had "been through enough." ("Two for the Road") ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
  • Why wasn't Ana Lucia at the church?
    • Because she wasn't ready to move on. ("What They Died For")
  • Where were the characters moving on to?
    • The writers and cast alike have stated that the nature of "moving on" in the afterlife is subject to personal beliefs, which they respect, and is thus open to interpretation.